First off....sorry for the delay in posting! I haven't been feeling well, so the computer has taken a backseat. :) Now, onto the final update! On the last day, we headed down the coast. We stopped off in Depoe Bay (small harbor town) to get a bite to eat and stretch our legs. While we were eating, we kept noticing boats leaving the harbor filled with lots of people. Ted assumed they were giving tours out into the ocean. He started in with the "C' will be fun! Let's just see how much it will cost." Now, if you remember a couple of updates ago....I expressed my extreme fear of big bodies of water. I have never been on a boat in anything other than small lakes. I was starting to get sick just thinking about it!! We head down to find out the cost, and realize its very very cheap. So, I agree to go. As we are paying, the lady says "They have been seeing lots of them today." I said back to her "Lots of what?" Well.....'them' turned out to be WHALES!!! It was a whale watching trip!! Now I was getting excited!! I had never dreamed of doing such a thing! is a little rundown of our fun trip!!
This is the boat we were on:
Here is the harbor from the boat deck:
This is Ted waiting to get going. We were right up front & center!! Oh, don't mind Ted's purse....that is my camera!! LOL!!
This is a cute little seal that shared the harbor with us!!
As we were headed off, I bent over the front rail and took a picture for Dylan! Ted tried to get me to yell "I'm the king of the world!" It wasn't going to happen!
I just thought this was a pretty cool view!
OMG!! Now it's starting to sink in!! Nothing but water!! Ahhh!! Yes, I was getting a little shaky at this point!! :(
Wow!! We get our first glimpse of honest to goodness Gray Whales!! I have to admit....when they turn the motor off of the boat.....and you are sitting in silence waiting for them.....I heard the 'Jaws' theme in my head!! Ahhh!!! LOL!!
That was it!! That was our anniversary trip! We headed home as soon as we got back from the boat trip. I had a blast! It was the best anniversary we have ever had! I hope to take the kids up to see the whales very soon. That's if I can get the nerve to go out again!! LOL!! Thanks for taking this little trip with me! I hope you enjoyed our pictures. :)